Philip R. Klein, Editor
Welcome to Reader Mail! This section of our website is dedicated to the emails sent to us, comments made on other websites, and the answers to questions asked of us in public.
If you have questions that you would like us to answer – and we will answer any question sent to us – please email us at and we shall post the question and our response. From time to time we will answer posed to us on other websites. So fire away! And we shall also!
The Southeast Texas Political Review
From Beaumont:
Have not heard of any media talking about Mid & south county’s LNVA drinking water canal.
Up until now the only spot I questioned was where it goes underground @ Earle st in PN & resurfaces across 366 @ rubber plant rd.
Now the new ammonia facility being built across from the prisons has the same canal running through it!
Not sure if the public knows but if ammonia gets released, not if but when, it stays on the ground & mixes with ANY AVAILABLE WATER.
Smell your Windex because thats what our tap water might be like in a worst-case scenario.
Just another wonderful fact of living here!
Thanks for your continued dedication to presenting the facts!
Answer: Story This Week!
From Dallas:
WHAT? Did we read that your friend who was in the Texas Legislature is running for City Council? Talk about a fall from grace Klein.
Answer: Yes, and he will lose. And we will love to hear the spin.
From Beaumont:
Back at you Klein. Here is one for you! If the election were held today, who would win, Pastor Politics or Mad Hatter? God we love your site.
Answer: Pastor by 20 points.
From Houston:
OMG! I just found your website and love it! It is like watching a slow burn at a fuel tank depot. You only have to wonder and wait for the big boom! Thanks guys!
Answer: It is a slow hot burn. Stand back!
From Beaumont:
Klein and Crew, I did not like you. But lately, you have been knocking it out of the PARK DUDES! Enjoy what you are doing. But spell check maybe?
Answer: Love back to you as well my dear! Sigh on the spelling.
From Beaumont:
I have just watched the video of the cop beating the man at Parkdale. You have been silent about it. What do you think?
Answer: I have no idea what happened. I did see the video and have seen three videos. I think we let it all play out. Seems to me if I got bit on the hand I would kick some ass myself. Just saying…
From Lumberton:
My name is Scott Haggard and President of the Lumberton Chamber of Commerce. An article posted by your site has been brought to my attention concerning the Lumberton COC. The article is cited below along with the incorrect statements. Adam Brooks is no longer a board member of the Lumberton COC and has not been an active board member in over a year. I would like your article to be revised to show this corrected information. Please reach out with any questions for the future and please confirm once this revision is completed.
Answer: We would not want him either. The Story coming next week.
From Beaumont:
Hey Klein, who is going to be the next speaker? Love to know your thoughts!
Answer: I think Dustin Burrows is going to get it (notice how I did not say win).
From Beaumont:
Is it just me or are we having more criminal events during this time of the year? Thanks!
Answer: Yup, crime is up right now and it is a more serious crime than you ever thought.
From Beaumont:
I am very sad that Dade Phelan has dropped out of the speaker’s race. It is a huge loss for our area and community. And please tell David Covey to screw himself! Thanks…
Answer: You love it. I think Covey is going to get his. Let the investigation play out.
From Houston:
I read your blog every day. When you predicted the outcome of the election I laughed and thought you would be wrong. Bad me. Congrats on calling 90%. I do not think anyone came close to you.
Answer: Thanks, we just watch what is going on.
From Beaumont:
Jesus Christ Klein. Way to go! You are 90%! You have the magic, my friend!
Answer: Na, just watching what happens. It is going to get interesting down at the courthouse as judges in 2016 are going to get candidates. We will target the judicial system now.
From Port Arthur:
U da man buddy! Now find us some candidates to run in Port Arthur!! We need change!!
Answer: Wish we could. Port Arthur needs to really crash and burn first. Waiting on the FBI to finish their thing! Oops, did we say something?
From Groves:
This from a Rhonda Dugas fan:
Answer: What a nice young man! We suggest you use his company for all of your AC needs! Sigh…
From Groves:
I am a friend of Rhonda Dugas. And what you are doing to her is not right Mr. Klein. Talk about a sweet lady? You should be ashamed. You are the jerk!
Answer: Dugas is maybe one of the worst pols sitting on any board. She is not all there in our opinion and should resign. End of story.
From Beaumont:
You are right. Nobody follows the mainstream media because you are the only place that has the balls to tell us what is going on. I just cannot believe that the city of Beaumont is doing business with Tom Flanagan. I will have a vote coming and that clown of a Mayor is gone.
Answer: Let’s see who is running first. Then we will have an opinion.
From Beaumont:
How do people making 6+ figures a year not pay bills and get away with it for so long? Flanagan not paying bills and is now CFO for Vidor? Who else makes an assload of money and doesn’t pay their bills? I just went 4 years without a job, just now getting back on my feet and never once in that 4 years did the lights go out, my family never went hungry and we managed to maintain an excellent credit score. I don’t get it.
Answer: Great question! Here you go…in Jefferson County there are haves and have not’s. You are part of the have-nots and you have no say in what happens. Thus war will break out.
From Beaumont:
Watch “All the Queens Horses” on YouTube, about Dixon, IL, and see what happens when there are little to no financial controls in a city.
Answer: We have and it is great! A must-watch.
From Beaumont:
Mayor Roy West will be a one-term mayor! I assure you Klein of that. He is the worst mayor in the history of Beaumont. The city is falling down in crime and problems and he is marching around worried about downtown!
Answer: We do not disagree.
From Nederland:
I cannot sell my house! I have to get out of Nederland. School taxes are killing our income! Your advice?
Answer: There is nothing you can do. We said it when the bond passed we predicted it would happen – and it is! Suck it up! And some of the Karens that voted for and advocated for the bond moved a year ago when the price of the market started dying. Giggle.
From Beaumont:
Not sure anyone has been keeping track, but the “inhuman, vile predators” have been getting slammed and convicted in Jefferson County, over the last several months. Kudos to the DA and his staff, I think we all know who has been making tremendous strides to taking the murderers and sick bastards off the streets. If they can only get to the drug dealers, we may have a chance.
Answer: We tend to agree!
From Port Arthur:
Thought you would enjoy Klein on driving in Southeast Texas:
5. Port Arthur
Crash score: 50.09
The officially designated Cajun Capital of Texas had the most crashes related to bad driving on a population basis in 2022, with 12.52 per 100,000 people. That rate is about two-and-a-half times the national and state average — and it means drivers in the Gulf Coast city need to be especially wary of others who are aggressive, careless, and not following the rules of the road.
Answer: Welcome to the hood!
From Beaumont:
If I am not mistaken bulldog stadium does not allow access either. Daughter plays club soccer and tries to get her ready for middle then high school soccer but every time we go there it is locked. Bummer
Answer: Ech, they are open. We were there to walk the other night.
From Beaumont:
The City Manager needs to be replaced. How sad he doesn’t feel like promoting within with the new Police Chief. That is because he was promoted over an insider. All he cares about is the color of the skin. Doesn’t he realize we all bleed red and God made us all? Shame on you Mr. Williams. Be gone, not because you are black but because you are racist and arrogant.
Answer: It is always about race in Jefferson County. It is sad.
From Beaumont:
First, the racist City Manager needs to go! There is no reason not to hire a Chief of Police from within the Department. If one of the Tylers (they are related father/son or uncle/nephew) they are outstanding officer and will serve Beaumont well perhaps Jason Plunkett can remain in his current position.
Answer: New changes are in play. Let’s see how it goes!
From Beaumont:
A “different take” on your latest Top Story…
You say you chose not to get involved but before the meeting declared Getz the front runner. You also claim Willis’ win was the result of what one side ” accused” the other side of won the day. Any investigation into the validity, or lack thereof, of the claims? Could it be the Executive Committee felt Willis had the cajones to step up last March when no one else would? Just a thought. . . .
Answer: Well, no. Here is the deal. TRANSPARCY – is the word I believe never ever should come out of any Executive Committee’s voice ever again. They were all elected officials and should have been voted out in the open. They let a personal fight choose how they voted, and when they voted they hid. It was and is a sad day for the Republican Party. I also noticed that you left out that Willis had NEVER voted in a GOP primary or election. That is even more interesting.
As I have told two interviews today, “In the end, it does not matter who won last night. It matters that the republican party and its leadership acted like Democrats and did not allow the light to shine on their votes. AND GOD HELP YOU IF YOU START THE RETRIBUTION BULLSHIT.
I just cannot….
From Port Arthur:
Is it just my computer or have you not posted anything in reader mail in a long time?
Answer: You would be right. Our systems went down again after an attack. We have who did it and watch us for the announcement.
From Jefferson County:
Hey Mr. K! Here is a video I thought you might enjoy! Scary – everything you told us was coming!
Answer: Yup!
From Beaumont:
Hey Klein, did you see what was ranking in the United States in Education:
143 | Beaumont-Port Arthur, TX | 144 | 83 |
Answer: Beaumont has always been ranked among the worst schools in the US. No surprise right?
From Port Arthur:
I am a black lady from Port Arthur. Please accept our apologies from our community for the actions of our elected officials on the council. We have problems. But we will solve those problems next election! BESURE!
Answer: We will see right? We hope you do.
From Beaumont:
I moved here from Port Arthur to get away from the crime. Now I am in Beaumont which feels like it does in Port Arthur. Am I wrong Klein?
Answer: No, you are not.
From Port Arthur:
My goodness! What a great year-end for your Review Klein! What would we do without you?
Answer: You would be just fine.
From Beaumont:
I am a cop. I work the streets in Beaumont, and I want to thank you for your coverage of the Park story. You are right on it and please sir stay on it. Beaumont needs serious help and leadership.
Answer: Thank you for your service and stay safe. We go nowhere.
From Port Arthur:
I live here in Port Arthur, so, I guess you cannot even be safe when you are dead? Back to funeral home ambulances?
Answer: Why not? Really – think about it. One-stop shop?
From Beaumont:
What happened to the big money he had? Weren’t there two big investments with Allstate Ins. Did the Feds get them for taxes owed?
Answer: Great question. Maybe the court and DA need to ask that question. Jail time.
From Houston:
You fxxxxxx people are a joke over there. How screwed up can you guys be?
Answer: We have more material than you could dream.
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The Southeast Texas Political Review is a production of Klein and Associates Political Relations. ©1995 – 2025 PRK Enterprises, Inc. Any rebroadcast or reproduction of this site is forbidden without the permission of this Company. Such permission must be in writing and consist of the person’s name – address – and the reason for the reproduction. Under Title 17 of the US Code – Subjects that reproduce or reprint any portion of this site without permission of PRK Enterprises, Inc. may be liable under the statute. For comments – questions – or requests for the reproduction of quotes or stories as written on this site, please E-Mail us at